The Lisa May Foundation
Changing the world around us project by project
Registered Charity No: 1108763
Across the world
The work we do started in Thailand and now stretches right across the globe and back to our own doorstep. The aim has always been to help those in immediate need.
Our roots lie in disaster relief, but children, education and health are by far our highest priorities.
Rebuilding Nepal 2016 onwards
On 26 December 2004 a tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean. It was the result of the Indio-Australian Plate subducting below the Eurasian Plate. It was caused by an earthquake measuring more than magnitude 9. The earthquake caused the seafloor to uplift, displacing the seawater above.
A Brazil Safe House 2010 (TBC)
Lisa May loved children and she would always do her best to help anyone she could with her time or money when she could. Jackie, one of Lisa’s best friends, had been working with the street kids in Brazil. Jackie approached us to help her rehouse an amazing family she had met during at time when they needed it most. The family were about to be made homeless and lived in fear every day.
The Myanmar (Burma) Earthquake 2008
Myanmar (Burma) was hit by cyclone Nargis on May 3rd 2008. It was the worst natural disaster in East Asia since the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004. The cyclone was a category 3 storm with winds over 200km/h. Over 140,000 people were killed most of which were taken in by the huge 12ft (3.5m) tidal waves.